Celia Morales


Degree in Psychology and Education from the University of La Laguna, Expert in Educational Counseling and Intervention at the University of La Laguna and Tafor Psicotecnia Institute Masters in Cognitive Neuroscience and Specific Educational Needs from the University of La Laguna. She has a work contract as trainer research from the Canary Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society. She currently works as a researcher and university teacher (with the venia docenci) in grades kindergarten Magisterium, Speech and Psychology, and also in a postgraduate specialization in Teaching Reading from ULL. Currently she is doing the PhD Program in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education at the University of La Laguna. Her doctoral thesis has the principal aims to analyze the development of transcription skills in writing (in the modalities pen vs. keyboard) in the early grades of primary education.

Last Modified on September 24, 2015
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